Cfg DR            2z8bv9c
Cfg DR            2z8bv9c


Cfg DR

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Cfg DR            Icon_user_offline

Rank: Fondatori
Sex : masculin
Mesaje : 1035
Puncte : 2568
Like : 8
Varsta : 28
Localizare : Drochia
Joburi : cs,fotbal
Stare de spirit : buna
Cfg DR            Empty
MesajSubiect: Cfg DR Cfg DR            Icon_minitimeVin Oct 26, 2012 8:31 pm

//FPS Script
developer "1"
fps_max "1000"
fps_modem "999"
cl_cmdrate "101"
cl_updaterate "101"
rate "25000"
cl_weather "0"
cl_corpsestay 5
//Bunny Hop
alias speed_mod "speed_walk"
alias speed_walk "+speed;dev1;dev0;
alias speed_mod speed_run"
alias speed_run "-speed;dev1;dev0;
alias speed_mod speed_walk"
alias +_bhop "alias _special bhop_;bhop_"
alias -_bhop "alias _special"
alias bhop_ "-+;wait;special"
alias -+ "bhop+"
alias bhop+ "+jump;alias -+ bhop-"
alias bhop- "-jump;alias -+ bhop+"
bind SPACE +_bhop

//DJ Jump
alias +DJ "+jump ; +duck"
alias -DJ "-jump ; -duck"
bind space +DJ
//Rezolvarea Mainilor [ Ca sa nu te incurci in strafe ]
bind "a" "+moveleft;cl_righthand 0"
bind "d" "+moveright;cl_righthand 1"
bind c "say /resetscore"
bind b "say /drshop"
bind z "slot2;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;lastinv"
bind x "say /radio"
bind f "say /knife ; wait ; wait ; wait ; wait ; wait ; wait ; wait ; slot4"
bind g "say /knife ; wait ; wait ; wait ; wait ; wait ; wait ; wait ; slot3"
_cl_autowepswitch "0"
gl_flipmatrix "0"
cl_minmodels "1"
cl_radartype "1"
cl_shadows "0"
echo "//Info"
echo "Death Run CFG Activated"
echo "Death Run CFG by ShooT[X]"
echo "FPS Turb0 Activated"
echo ""
echo "//Info Game"
echo "For BunnyHop + Auto-Duck Press ALT"
echo "For Simple Jump + Auto-Duck Press SPACE"
echo "For DeathRun Gravity Knife Press F"
echo "For DeathRun Speed Knife Press G"
echo "For Auto-Reset Score Press C"
echo "For DeathRun Shop Press B"
echo "For DeathRun Radio Press X"
echo "To Activate the chosen knife Press Z"
speak run

//----------(Speed Attack)----------

alias +speedatk "+speed; +attack"
alias -speedatk "-speed; -attack"
bind "j" "+speedattack

//Strafe script by NeoN
alias "0w1" "wait"
alias "w2" "wait; wait"
alias "w3" "wait; wait; wait"
alias "w4" "w2; w2"
alias "w5" "w4; w1"
alias "w6" "w4; w2"
alias "w7" "w5; w2"
alias "w8" "w4; w4"
alias "w10" "w6; w4"
alias "w15" "w10; w5"
alias "w20" "w10; w10"
alias "w30" "w20; w10"
alias "w50" "w20; w20; w10"
alias "w100" "w50; w50"
alias "forward" "+forward;w10;w30"
alias "turn" "cl_yawspeed 114;+right;+moveright;w10;w10;w8;cl_yawspeed 110;w30;w10;w6"
alias "jump" "+jump;w1;-jump;-forward"
alias "strafe" "strafeleft;straferight;strafeleft;straferight;strafeleft;straferight;strafeleft;straferight;strafeleft;straferight;strafeleft;straferight;strafeleft;straferight;strafeleft;+duck"
alias "straferight" "cl_yawspeed 450;+right;+moveright;w4;-right;-moveright"
alias "strafeleft" "cl_yawspeed 450;+left;+moveleft;w4;-left;-moveleft;"
alias "duck" "+duck;w50"
alias "stops" "-right;-moveright;-left;-moveleft;-forward;-duck"
alias "strafescript" "forward;turn;jump;strafe;straferight;strafeleft;duck;stops"
//Bind your key
bind "l" "strafescript"
//Silent Run
Bind "CTRL" "ducker
// FPS (altu)
alias "dslow" "rate 2500;cl_updaterate 10;cl_cmdrate 10;ex_interp 0.100; echo d slow speed"
alias "vslow" "rate 3500;cl_updaterate 13;cl_cmdrate 13;ex_interp 0.077; echo very slow speed"
alias "slow" "rate 5000;cl_updaterate 15;cl_cmdrate 15;ex_interp 0.068; echo slow speed"
alias "norm" "rate 7500;cl_updaterate 20;cl_cmdrate 30;ex_interp 0.050; echo normal speed"
alias "fast" "rate 9999;cl_updaterate 30;cl_cmdrate 40;ex_interp 0.034; echo fast speed"
alias "vfast" "rate 20000;cl_updaterate 60;cl_cmdrate 60;ex_interp 0.017; echo wtf speed "
alias "lfast" "rate 20000;cl_updaterate 100;cl_cmdrate 100;ex_interp 0.010; echo LAN speed" alias "rates" "rate;cl_updaterate;cl_cmdrate;ex_interp"
I think that's what ur looking for
// Fps(inca unu)

developer "1"
fps_max "999"
sv_voicequality 5
sv_voicecodec voice_speex
sv_voiceenable 1
// Jump Bug
echo jump bug scRipt by MaGyK
alias +otikz.jb "+duck"
alias -otikz.jb "-duck; wait; +jump; wait; -jump; wait; +jump; wait; -jump;
wait; +jump; wait; -jump"
bind alt +otikz.jb
Sus In jos
Cfg DR            Icon_user_offline

Rank: Moderator
Sex : masculin
Mesaje : 231
Puncte : 354
Like : 2
Localizare : DevilGaming.Forumz.Ro
Cfg DR            Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Cfg DR Cfg DR            Icon_minitimeMier Oct 31, 2012 5:10 pm

Foarte bun config-ul , l-am incercat si eu ;)
Sus In jos

Cfg DR

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